Creating change is a team effort.
That's why we value collaboration.
We work with outside Neuropsychologists, Mental Health Specialists, and Education Professionals.
We understand that executive functioning skills are not always intuitive, especially for students with ADHD, learning differences, mental health issues, and other cognitive disorders. The symptoms of low executive functioning often play out in the classroom, at work, and at home and can both be the cause of and contributor to preexisting issues. It is for that reason that we collaborate with neuropsychologists, mental health providers, psychiatrists and other specialists.
We partner to create a shared strategy that accounts for the full spectrum of your needs.
That’s because there is a real connection between Executive Functioning and Attention Deficits, Learning Differences and Mental Health Issues.
Lets start with Attention Deficits and Learning Differences
According to many experts, ADHD and low EF go hand in hand. This is because those with ADHD may have impairment in several areas of EF such as the ability to plan, prioritize, organize, pay attention, remember details, and control emotional reactions.
Having nothing to do with intelligence, this makes the EF skills required for school and work, such as remembering due dates, tracking assignments and physical papers, studying for long periods of time, extremely difficult.
Additionally, many people with ADHD (approximately 20 to 30 percent) also have a specific learning disability. This can play a large role in poor EF and low academic self-esteem. Disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, processing disorders, and ASD can contribute to poor EF.
Mental health issues and mood behavior disorders are the most common contributor to low EF. Many of our clients struggle with depression, anxiety, perfectionistic tendencies, compulsive and/or avoidant behavior, and low self-esteem. While some struggle at a low level symptoms, many require regular therapy, medicine, and if a student a 504 plan that enables them to better engage with and/or attend school.
When we suffer from depression, we often have no motivation, energy, or self-advocacy and are increasingly self-consciousness about their performance. When we suffer from anxiety, focus is difficult as well as the ability to participate, self advocate or ask for help, etc. As our performance wanes, it only reinforces a narrative that we are incapable.
What about Mental Health Issues and Mood Disorders?
Our goal is to collaborate in order to help you hone EF skills that temper these symptoms, reduce anxiety, and build confidence.