We work with a wide array of amazing,
incredible, intelligent students
who are in need of executive functioning support.
Our students are smart and capable, but struggle to do their work or maintain grades that reflect their intellectual ability.
Our students are bright and gifted, play sports, have hobbies, hang out with friends, and in many ways are typical teenagers. But they also have low executive functioning, making school and home life extremely difficult. They may struggle with ADHD, learning differences, and mental health issues that compound their low executive functioning. Having nothing to do with intelligence or capability, low executive functioning often results in missing assignments, disorganization, poor test scores, and inconsistent motivation. And, of course, not far behind come low grades, stress at school and at home, and excuses. We’re here to help.
Intelligent. Capable. Awesome. Academically Disorganized. Inconsistently Motivated.
Smart But Mixed Grades.
Late Homework. ADHD.
Learning Differences. Stress. Anxiety. Depression.
The classic symptoms of low executive functioning include but aren’t limited to:
Late and missing assignments.
Inconsistent test scores across multiple subjects.
General disorganization including messy backpacks, lost and misplaced work, and messy work spaces.
Often failing to pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes.
Having difficulty sustaining attention, is forgetful in daily activities, is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.
Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort.
Avoidant behavior, denial and displaced blame, perfectionism, and anxiety surrounding grades.
And did you know that low executive functioning goes hand in hand with students with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and learning differences?
Not everyone who struggles with low executive functioning has ADHD, anxiety, etc. But everyone with ADHD and anxiety struggles with low executive functioning. They simply go hand in hand.
And because we take a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach to our unique methodology - EFCT - we understand that the ways that we behave affect how we feel about ourself and how we feel about ourself affects how we behave. This means that having low executive functioning is both caused by and exacerbates symptoms related to ADHD and anxiety.
It is for that reason that we collaborate with neuropsychologists, mental health providers, psychiatrists and other specialists.