See what everyone is talking about.

See what our students have to say.

"I am more confident about what I can do, both at school and with my parents. I love not feeling so stressed all the time!”

- 8th Grader at Kealing Middle School


“I can attest to the fact that I was able to balance school, my social life, college applications, and mental well being, because of Encompass and the time management practices I learned there. I’m now feeling like I can tackle college.” 

  • Junior, Vandegrift High School.

"I can now balance school and my after school activities and still play video games. Being organized and having higher grades has helped to make better impressions with my friends, teachers, and parents. When I was unorganized I felt dirty and stressed out, now I feel neat and powerful."

- 7th grader, Gorzycki Middle School.

"I feel smarter, more responsible, and happier. I feel more prepared for high school because I know I can meet my goals and I feel more confident in my ability.

  • 8th grader, O’Henry Middle School.

"Encompass taught me so many skills about not just passing school, but life. I learned that doing well in school isn't about intelligence but about value life skills like setting goals, planning, and following through. Not to mention all the Encompass specialists I've met have been really charismatic and supportive; several of them I consider lifelong role models!"

  • Senior, Austin High AGS Academy.

    I could not have graduated without Encompass! I’d think to myself all the time, “No all nighter this time.” I was able to finally get into a flow. I even texted my mom, “I did so well last night I was so tired and wanted to just watch a movie and hang out, but without meds, I still got my whole presentation done to make today easier.” I realized that I want to do well on my papers (which I hate), because I now understand that just being interested in the material isn’t the only reason to do something. I now see that doing the paper is better than the stress of not doing the paper. I also realize that in order to be consistent and not give up, I have to slow down and not try to do everything all at once. Learning how to “Break It Down” was so helpful.

  • UT Austin Graduate

And other parents too.

“Hopefully a ray of sunshine that will brighten your day. (My daughter) loves college. She attacked the experience with a nervous optimism, determined to try and reinvent herself. … Her bravery and effort was quickly rewarded in the form of fast friends, good grades, increased independence, and positive self-esteem. Not that grades are the best measure of success, but I figure her former tutor would love to hear that she earned 3 A's and a B in her classes last semester. And she didn't have an organizational tutor–she used what you taught her to stay organized. You'll be particularly tickled to hear that she insisted we buy her a paper planner at the start of the school year. She even sought help from her professors, even though she still mostly hates to do that. Wow, right???

The English language doesn't have the words to describe the way I feel about the fact that (she) achieved so many big things in such a short time. But please know that I'm deeply, deeply grateful for the role you played in preparing her to spread her wings and fly.”

  • Mother to a LASA graduate.


"I wanted to take a moment to express how great its been having [my daughter] work with you last year and over the summer on the writing workshop. She really seems to be learning and getting a lot out of it, so thank you for what you both do! It takes a village, as they say, to raise kids these days and we are grateful to have people like you and a service like Encompass to help. Thank you!"

  • Mother to an Anderson High School 11th Grader.

"[We] have seen a much different attitude from [our son] over the last month or so - he's much more willing to put in extra effort, is doing so on his own, and is proud of his results.

Thank you so much!"

  • Parent to a LASA High School 10th Grader.

"Words cannot describe how happy I am that you have guided [my son] through this process. I’ve had to do a bit of nagging, but nothing like other parents. Since this is the last fall I’ll have with him, I really didn’t want to spend it screaming about [college] deadlines. You’ve made that possible - thank you!"

  • Parent to a Bowie High School 12th Grader.

”Our family is so grateful for all the guidance and support you offered (our daughter). We really appreciate that you went above and beyond teaching her executive functioning. You gave her such good advice while always listening to her as if you were her counselor. 

You not only taught her many valuable things, you made her feel safe to express herself in a positive way and she always felt understood and appreciated by you.

Thank you again for helping us navigate such a stressful period for her and the whole family.”

  • Mother of Vandegrift graduate.

Not to mention counselors.

"As I was reading about your services, I was screaming YESSSSS in my head! That is EXACTLY what our kids need help with - not necessarily the content of subjects, but organization, time management , goal setting, and execution! Now, that is a general statement. Some do need some assistance with content, but most can do the work they just struggle with juggling everything.

There is simply no way that the counselors can take on this task, so we are very grateful to you for your service. The counselors direct students to teacher office hours, peer tutoring, etc. But one-on-one coaching is not something we have the resources to provide on a regular basis. We appreciate you!"

  • LASA Guidance Counselor.


We can’t wait to get started supporting you.