The Encompass Team is a community of Executive

Functioning specialists and professionals dedicated

to supporting you and your family.


Coming from all spectrums of education and mental health communities, our team is dedicated to supporting students, parents, and adults who are struggling with their EF.

Every member of the Encompass team is drawn to executive functioning work because of their own experiences from their time as students, educators, mental health and other professionals. Executive functioning impacts us all at different stages in our lives and we understand how critical it is to have the support you need from those who genuinely care and are trained to help. That is why we pride ourselves on having a team that is just that.


JESSICA RAE SHORE Founder & Chief Executive Functioning Specialist

DELLA ANDERSON Senior Executive Functioning Specialist


Director of Scheduling and Services


Our team of specialists are trained in EFCT, our unique methodology.


EFCT allows us to go deeper, to resolve foundational issues around low motivation and functioning.

Our unique methodology, Executive Functioning Cognitive Training (EFCT), allows us to not just instill strong executive functioning strategies but also to unpack and resolve deeper issues surrounding motivation, procrastination, and overwhelm. Utilizing a curriculum created by Jessica and that is exclusive to Encompass, each specialist goes through extensive in depth training so that they are equipped to meet the individual needs of each of their students.


We understand the intersection of mental health, ADHD, learning differences and Executive Functioning.

We know the impact that anxiety, depression, ADHD, and learning differences can have.

Not every person with low executive functioning has anxiety, depression, ADHD, or learning differences. But every person with anxiety, depression, ADHD, or learning differences is going to struggle with their executive functioning. It is for that reason that we are experienced in and understand how to support our families and clients who are struggling.