Executive Functioning Tutorials. Adult Services. Education Consultations. Therapist Collaboration. Parent Supports. Summer Programs. College Readiness.
We have what you need. Our primary focus is with students and how we can help them reduce their stress and gain academic confidence within and outside of the classroom. But when smart, capable, and awesome students are avoiding to the point of self-sabotage, causing stress at home, failing classes, and creating a cycle that is so hard to break change needs to be holistic. That’s why we provide Education Consultations, Parent Supports, Summer Readiness Programs, and College Readiness and Admissions programs.
We collaborate with you or your child’s therapists and other mental health or psychiatric providers to provide comprehensive support.
And we support Young adults and Adults, because their needs are unique and valid.
All of our unique services focus on you or your child’s Executive Functioning needs. Let’s go ….
Executive Functioning Tutorials
Time Management. Organization. Study Strategies. Goal Setting. Prioritization. Self Advocacy. Personal Accountability.
These tutorials are what set us apart. Through weekly tutorials, we will help your child to consistently engage with time management, organization, and study strategies. We also identify long term and weekly goals that are both academic and personal in nature so that they are able to determine personal measures of success. This process enables a better understanding of how to prioritize tasks, ensures greater personal accountability, and normalizes any ongoing issues they may be experiencing (symptoms of ADD and focus, mental health issues, social and emotional growing pains). Our goal is that at the end of each session your child will leave with an awareness of all of their tasks (academic, extracurricular, and personal), have strategies in place that allow them to complete these tasks on time with less stress, and to advocate for their needs in the classroom and at home.
Comprehensive Subject Tutorials
All Math Levels. Science Levels. Reading Comprehension. Writing Skills. Foreign Languages.
Traditional subject tutoring meets executive functioning. For many students, understanding concepts is difficult because of complex material, learning differences, attention deficits, poor note-taking skills, corresponding low confidence and frustration with the subject. Our Comprehensive Subject Tutorials will ensure that your child understands the weekly material, foundational concepts, and how to approach their homework, take notes, prepare for the next class, and more. This is what makes our tutorials better.
Your child’s needs exist beyond the classroom or the school year.
Summer Readiness Programs
These programs give your child the foundation and confidence they need to start the school year at an advantage.
Too often students lose valuable information over the summer and start the school year at a deficit. Over the course of 8 individual sessions, our Summer Readiness Programs reinforce prior knowledge and lay the foundation for the fall curriculum.
Like all of our services, we start with an assessment that allows us to create a custom curriculum to meet your child’s needs. This includes not just subject comprehension, but also core executive functioning skills such as note taking, study strategies, and tools to overcome mental blocks and low confidence within a particular subject.
We know summer is a busy time and that is why we schedule our sessions around your summer travel, camps, and other commitments.
College Readiness Programs
Often the demands of high school – homework, finals, APs, the SAT, college applications – are discussed in isolated terms. We believe in a more comprehensive approach.
The college admissions process requires high executive functioning skills - when to send in scores, manage essays, start researching and visiting schools - so we apply our same methodology as we do our other services. Like everything at Encompass, we start with an assessment so that we can create a custom strategy that is designed to:
1. Identify a school list based on your child’s interests, financial viability, etc.
2. Design a strategy for application completion that is specific to their college admissions goals. This includes a checklist of application components and a timeline for addressing them (when to order transcripts, ask for letters of recommendation, etc).
3. Create a strategy for the college essays and the writing process.
After the assessment you will have the tools needed to complete the admissions process independently, but we are here to support you for as much or as little as you prefer. Put simply, after the assessment it is a la carte based on your needs and your budget.
We recognize that you, the parent, need support too.
Parent Consultation Services
Far too often, the focus is solely on your child and doesn’t cater to the dynamics you experience at home as a family.
Typically lasting for about an hour, we unpack any ongoing issues at play with your child and/or your partner. A family therapist is there to help you navigate your feelings. This consultation would be geared to help you navigate the doing side of how you can reinforce executive functioning skills at home, create clear expectations surrounding actionable items, and help to nurture intrinsic motivation. After the consultation, you will receive a summary with actionable items for your review.
Education Consulting
It can be hard to navigate the greater Austin school districts, private schools, 504 plans, IEPs, curriculum choices, and more.
That is why we are here to help give you all the information and tools you need to make the right choices for your child. In a one hour consultation, we will be able to address all of your questions and provide you with answers, actionable items, and resources to help you with whatever your needs may be.
Before you keep going …. we have an amazing new service just for YOU!
We have teamed up with the wonderful therapy professionals at Colorful Minds, LLC to create a group workshop for parents of children with ADHD and low Executive Functioning. Come check it out!